Saturday, October 13, 2012

*COMPLIMENTARY Angel-Intro night. NYC 10/17 7pm EST ♥

  • Do you yearn for a stronger connection with the Divine without having a clue how to do it?   
  • Is it easier for you to feel a Divine connection when you’re helping others than when in your own, day-to-day life? 
  • Have you spent time and money on empowering workshops only to find later that they didn't give you the clear, lasting Divine connection you wanted?
Well, I know exactly how you feel because I was there, too. I was definitely on the "conscious path” but did NOT know how to move forward after a certain point. I’d read the books, I'd done the workshops (many, many workshops…) but nothing seemed to give me that “shift” in connection that I craved. 

Fast forward a bit and I’m in a place of undeniable connection and am living a miracle-filled life that is more wonderful than I imagined. At the event, I'll share a bit of the journey of how I became connected, give you clear steps to enhance your own connection and give you the opportunity to ask questions directly of Archangel Azrael and Ascended Master Jesus whom I will be channeling. It’s bound to be a lovely event and I would love to have you there.

Make sure to RSVP to with ARCHANGEL INTRO in the subject line if you plan to attend. Oh, and please bring a friend!

Wednesday, October 17th
7:00pm – 8:30pm
304 Maujer Street, #2R, Williamsburg
Between Morgan & Waterbury Streets
Cost: Complimentary

*There will be munchies but feel free to bring some along. It will add to the already festive Angel LoveFest! xo

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