Monday, April 25, 2011

Divine Guidance: Exercise 4.3

So Yes Dear Ones,

We would like for you to see yourself on top of a mountain on a clear day and when you look around you can sort of see a tree line below a certain point on each mountain that surrounds you. You wonder why that is and you also wonder, what in fact brought you to where you are now: this wonderful place of clarity and connection and truth and feelings of great joy. You look down your own mountain and see that yours has a tree line as well. You feel that the trees may hold the answer to your question so you decide to approach them and see what’s there.

You begin to walk down the mountain and soon you find that these lovely trees look much larger than when you were atop the mountain. You keep going further into the trees and you see so many things that you had almost forgotten about: each tree seems to represent things that you overcame in your life to get to the point where you are now. You see trees that represent the struggles that you had, the joys that you experienced, the people that came and left in your life and the lessons they taught you. The further you go down the mountain, the more you see but you see these experiences from the most miraculous vantage point - a place of utter love. When you were experiencing these for the first time all you could see was what you were experiencing in the moment. Things looked so dim and you seemed to feel helpless sometimes although there were also rays of light. The thing that you see now is that every single one of the experiences was necessary to bring you to the top of your mountain, this wonderful place where you are now, where you feel so good and are able to be of assistance to so many people.

You finally find your way to the base of the mountain and all you see there is beautiful grass. You knew that this grass was there all along but now you feel very clearly the energy that this grass represents: life, love, support, inspiration, worth and connectedness. You feel overwhelmed with love, for you know this is your true foundation. You also know that you can return to your place of clarity with ease whenever you desire so you don’t perceive any struggle in returning. You know that so much of where you are now has to do with every single place that you were before and that it is always that way for everyone. You feel overcome with gratitude for all of life and your life’s journey in particular. You return to the top of your mountain with an even clearer desire to share this information with others who may be struggling through their own forest yet who are currently not able to see their mountain top. It brings you unimaginable joy to be of such Divine assistance and even increases your feelings of love and sense of purpose. The light that you shine is literally a beacon for others who are on their way to their very own peaks so that they, in turn, can be lights for others.

Love all of us in the Angelic Realm,
AA Chamuel

Friday, April 22, 2011

Divine Guidance: Exercise 4.2

The first thing for you to do is to imagine yourself sitting in front of an ocean on a clear day. Then you look at the sky and notice that the two seem to be a mirror of each other. You then wonder if in some ways life on earth is a mirror of life in what you would call Heaven. There are many different energies on Earth and there are many different energies in Heaven although the vibration of the energies in Heaven is much higher.

Then you look at the water again and say, "Hmm...I wonder how deep it goes?" Then you try to imagine the tiniest, deepest crevices of the ocean floor and the smallest forms of life you can imagine there. Then you look at the sky and wonder, "I wonder how big it is?" So you think of the solar system, and that system as being only a minute part of a larger system, and there being multitudes of these systems in even greater systems so that your feeling of the expanse of life is infinite.

Then you are to look at yourself and say, "Wow, I am only very small and yet I am apparently loved so much and worth so much that the Universe fulfills my every need when I allow it to. There must be some grand design to life that I am not yet aware of, but I am sure that this amazing, expansive system has been here long before I was a human on this Earth. I am going to look to it for guidance for I now know that I must be loved - I see it clearly. I now know that I have been guided - I see that clearly too. And now I choose to know that I am worthy. The Universe, in all of its greatness, has chosen to listen to my every thought so now I choose to value every part of my being as worthy of that love and attention."

Love all of us in the Angelic Realm,
AA Chamuel

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Hey Guys,

I just wanted to extend a new option for the Course in Divine Balance: Now you can pay per class ($37.50) rather than pay for the entire course at once ($350.00). I figured it only makes sense to offer classes individually since you might just have a few areas you’d like to work on. If you were to sign up for one course though, I would recommend it be the first one. On that night (Wednesday, April 20th) we’ll:

1) Create such a powerful intent that you will harmoniously create balance in your life even if you don’t decide to participate in the remainder of the course with Christy and I.

2) Give you tools to deal with the blocks (e.g. self sabotage) that you may subconsciously throw up so that you move through this course, and your life, with more ease.
3) Enlist some Divine Assistance to help you throughout the process of experiencing more Divine Balance in your life.

Another thing I decided to do is give a bit more clarity to the word “Balance.” Christy asked me how I would describe what people would get out of the course and it only crystallized for me recently. The things in your life that fall into the category of Divine Imbalance are: things irking you consistently, things breaking down around you, feeling like you keep repeating the same lessons, reoccurring illnesses, overeating, under eating, problematic relationships, feeling unworthy, feeling uncomfortable in your own skin, unsatisfying jobs, things that don’t leave you with the feeling of, “Oh, my God, that was Awesome! Gimme more of that!” A state of Divine Balance (or rather “intending” Divine Balance) is simply when you actively do the work necessary to unearth lower vibration beliefs that have kept manifesting in your life to reveal the deeper truth of who you are. When you uncover more of the truth of the Divinity within you, guess what happens? Life, by Divine Law, must reflect this to you and you’ll definitely want more of this!) I just want to create a safe space for us to do this as harmoniously, quickly and joyfully as possible so I hope you join me.

Anyway, I just wanted to put that out there. If you’re interested in learning more or signing up for A Course in Divine Balance, please visit my Event’s page here: Also, please have the following with you when you join the call:

- A notebook and pen,
- A glass and a pitcher full of water,
- Any solid colored tape that you can write on,
- A marker,
- A cleansed but not programmed Clear Quartz crystal, and
- Something white that you’ll be able to wear all week and see visibly (eg. a watch, pin, ring, scarf.)

*Also, if you're unable to attend the class on Wednesday nights or decide to join after the course has started, I will make recordings of the class available for the same cost of $37.50.

It’s time to claim Divine Balance in our worlds and radiate it to all of life!

Deepest love to y’all!
Chernise Spruell

p.s. Apparently the Paypal button on my page has been a bit wonky so if it doesn’t work for you just login to your Paypal account and send your payment to me at Thanks and talk to you tomorrow!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Divine Guidance: Exercise 4.1

Yes Dear Ones,

So today’s exercise is going to be a big help for people who think they know what they want to do but want to be sure that they are on the right path.

Imagine yourself sitting cozily inside your home. The next thing for you to do is to look at yourself and say, “OK, what is it that I’m not quite sure of?” Then you are to see this item as a small animal that you are comfortable with: a small puppy or kitten or something like that. You invite this animal to sit on your lap and then you look at this animal say to them, “Well, I am in a place right now where you are the biggest decision on my plate. I’m not sure what to do with you. I’m not sure whether I should go forward or whether I should put you down and pick up something else.” Then you should imagine this animal looking at you and smiling as if it understands.

Then the animal leaps from your lap and walks away. You follow it because you have the feeling that it is leading you somewhere. The animal walks out into the garden and you find the sky is so blue and the grass looks so green and you see that things look more beautiful than you could have imagined from your seat inside the house. The animal turns back to you and doesn’t quite smile but you have the feeling that it is smiling at you. You say, “Oh, I see. What you are trying to say is that if I’m unsure about something I will never come to a clear decision by staying in one place and only thinking about it. I have to get out of my head and take some action. That is when I will discover the gift or rather the truth of what is best for me.”

The animal smiles at you very clearly this time and says, “Yes Dear One. And even if you take this path and you find that it is not the highest path for you or does not bring you the most joy, you will be able to change your mind and make a decision to try another path and then take action on that. Whenever you see an animal that reminds you of me, I want you to remind yourself that you truly have all of the answers you need and that the joy of the experience is in following them to wherever they may lead. You can always ask the Divine for the highest paths to be presented to you but it is you that will do the work and it is you who will reap the benefits.”

We love you dearly and will speak to you all very soon.


All of us in the Angelic Realm -AA Chamuel

Monday, April 11, 2011

A Course in Divine Balance Free Preview Call

Spring Forward!

The secrets to ending self-sabotage so you can easily assist more people and attract more joy and abundance in your life

Free Preview call for A Course in Divine Balance: The 2011 Joy-Tensive

When: Tuesday, April 12, 8:30p

ET Where: On your phone

On this call, you will learn about:

-Why self-sabotage shows up and why you should welcome it when it does

-How working with this ancient system can align your self with your purpose

-A simple exercise to raise your vibration and attract more of what you want

-How you can get guidance in a new cleansing/detox jumpstart from Chernise and Christy to remove the blocks to your success

This class is perfect for healers and light workers who are craving balance and are sensitive to the vibrational shifts happening this year

This is also perfect for you if you’re spiritually minded and you want to accelerate your path to revealing your true purpose in life

For more information about A Course in Divine Balance: The 2011 Joy-Tensive, click HERE.

About Christy Goldfeder

Christy is the Delicious Life expert and wellness coach ( She helps stressed women lose pounds, double their energy and get happy without feeling like they are dieting. She created the anti-diet after struggling with her weight and going on and off diets since she was a teenager. She has delivered her programs to large organizations such as the New York Times, CNN, Time Warner, and Morgan Stanley. These days, she teaches online classes and coaches people one-on-one to create the health and life they desire.

About Chernise Spruell

Chernise is the intuitive healing expert and owner of Nurturing the Shift ( She is a channel that has been on a journey of truth and self-discovery for about 15 years. It is in the last three years under the spiritual tutelage of Annette Charité, however, that her life has really leapt forward. During this time she discovered her ability to channel messages and energy from Archangels and finally uncovered what lights her up: empowering others to create a life that fulfills them while enhancing the connection with their own divine guidance. Now, she and the Archangels work with the energy in your body, home and outlook to harmoniously shift you into the driver’s seat of your own life.

Please forward this to your friends. We look forward to having you there!

Chernise Spruell + Christy Goldfeder

p.s. my blogger's gone a bit wonky so that's why the formatting's so odd. Luv 2 u!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Raising Your Vibration: Exercise 2.22

Yes Dear Ones,

This is a time that is very good to look at yourself and find any areas that you feel that you might need to work on. You can do this in many ways: you can see if there are parts of your body that continually ache or you can see if you find situations repeating themselves in your life and you can see if certain thoughts continue to come to mind. What this means is that this is something for you to look at and once you have come to terms with it or rather have figured out what that thing is, you can sort of sit down with a pen and a paper and say, “Hmm, this thing has been repeating itself. If I were talking to a friend who had this experience what would I tell them that it means?” Then just write out what you would tell him or her.

This is a good way for you to figure out what is going on in your life. The Universe is constantly showing you ways that you are aligned with who you truly are and where you have sort of missed the mark a bit with thoughts. An example is the thought that you are not good enough which, as you know, is about as far from the truth as it is possible to be away from the truth. You are all very worthy. You are all, in fact, worthiness itself. The best thing for you to do in situations where you find that worthiness seems to be an issue is to look at the situation once you have sat down with your pen and paper and have figured it out and then send light to the situation. See yourself as your friend that you are talking to, surround him or her with light and see your friend say, “Oh now I get it! Thank you Universe. I’m so glad that I learned this lesson.” And you can then do things like see yourself happily using the new information or you can create an affirmation out of it if that works for you.

And if you feel overwhelmed to discover many things that you need to work on, just take the first one that stands out to you and that will be the one that is of most importance to attend to now. Address that area and then when you get a chance sit down with the paper again and approach the next area. That will be of great help.

We love you all dearly and will speak to you again.

Love all of us in the Angelic Realm,
AA Gabriel