Sunday, February 12, 2012

Special Pre-Valentine's Day Call With the Archangels

+ Do you feel fulfilled in your relationship?

+ Are you single yet ready to find love?

+ Are you unsure about how to proceed in a relationship that seems to be at a crossroads?

+ Do you feel alone and far from meeting anyone?

+ Are you in a wonderful relationship and wondering what your divine purpose together is?

Whatever your personal question may be, the Archangels are more than happy to answer!

During tonight’s call, the Angels will help you release ties to the past and help you stop repeating the same mistakes. They will also give you a Divine viewpoint so that you develop a different perspective about your situation. And perspective is everything.

With greater perspective you have clarity and can take specific steps knowing that there’s something larger at play than just what you appear to see. Oh, and there will be jokes! The Angels love to laugh and spread joy so all of this will happen in the most loving and joyful arena possible. In addition, they slip in a little healing energy to help make it easier for you to assimilate and receive the divine information being given.

So, if your heart has questions and you would like for the answer to be LOVE! don't miss this call!
There’s truly no better time to invest in your self and your heart than now.

Monday, February 13th
7pm EST

For dial-in details: 917.721.5788 or
PayPal payments can be sent to:

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